Yearly Archives: 2020

Monitoring the Progress of Students

Posted on November 18, 2020 at 10:02 pm

When you teach students of any level of ability, their growth and progress is the most important thing, not the starting point. It’s therefore very important that you can successfully monitor the progress of your students and ensure that they are learning continually – if not, then something needs to be done to rectify this.

If you monitor the progress of your students through data, this is highly useful for a number of reasons. It will give you a record of their progress and will also allow you to see how they have learned and developed over time, so you can take steps to improve their progress where needed. Data on student performance should be safely and securely stored, so you can refer back to it when necessary as their teacher and you can use it to inform and progress individual learning programmes. It can help you individualise the learning experience, as well as basing it on concrete evidence of success.

Posted in Education

Learning Online: How to Make it Work for Students

Posted on October 24, 2020 at 12:43 pm

Teaching online poses challenges for teachers and pupils and it can take a while to get used to working in this way. Here are some tips to help:

  • Give yourself more time. It’s never a good feeling when something takes longer than usual, but e-leaning will take a while to adjust to. Be patient and spend a little more time getting your resources ready.
  • Make sure pupils can still learn in different ways. Have options for visual learners and audio learners – this might mean distributing resources and leaning materials before lessons.
  • Communicate clearly. When you cannot be in the same room, good communication is more important than ever. Encourage students to be open and honest about what is working and how they might want to learn.
  • Be understanding and compassionate. Learning online will have its challenges and will be difficult for pupils, too. Pupils and teachers alike should be patient and understanding so they can overcome challenges together.

Posted in Education

Helping Students Following Exam Results

Posted on August 16, 2020 at 9:06 am

Exam results can be a difficult time for the students you teach if they are unhappy with their results. They may want to appeal them, resit their exams, or they may not be sure what steps to take next if they have missed out on university places. As a teacher, this can be difficult and they will most likely rely on you to give advice. It is important to be on hand when you can be and ensure that your students know where to turn if they are concerned about their exam results.

Exam results can also be a time of celebration if students have done well in their A levels, AS levels of GCSEs. It is a rewarding feeling as a teacher to be able to celebrate your students’ successes and help them take the next positive step forwards. If they have done better than expected, they may also look for advice from teachers.

Posted in Education