Yearly Archives: 2017
Posted on December 25, 2017 at 5:11 pm
Whether you are in school, university or in a job, you should put some thought into what you are going to do with the rest of your life. Chances are, you want to do something a little bit different if you are in work, and there may be things that interest you if you are still in education. It won’t be easy to make future plans, but you will be relieved when you do.
You also don’t need to have your whole career planned out. The best situation to be in is to know the field of work you enjoy and to have an idea of what you may like to do in the future. You should also be a little bit flexible though, as it can be hard to know exactly what you want to be doing in a few years time. Focus on what you enjoy, but allow some room to be flexible and change your mind.
Posted in Jobs
Posted on November 23, 2017 at 1:24 pm
An apprenticeship is a programme where you will learn on the job. You will be able to gain valuable skills and industry insight by carrying out an apprenticeship programme, learning from experts in the industry. You can take on an apprenticeship at any time, but the most popular time to do it is when you have come straight out of school, as you won’t need any other qualifications. The main thing to show is that you have a passion for the industry, and to find out more about it.
Talk to your school about options for apprenticeships and find out more from careers counsellors if this service is available. You can look into industries that you are interested in on the internet. Think about what you enjoy and whether you might like to do it for a career. Perhaps try out some work experience before committing to an apprenticeship.
Posted in Education
Posted on October 30, 2017 at 11:01 pm
Degrees are almost expected in the workplace these days. So many people have them, and it may be hard to compete if you do not have a degree as well. That being said, lots of career paths simply do not require a degree in order for you to be successful, get promotions and earn a very respectable wage.
The best advice is to do a degree if it is something that you want to do because it genuinely interests you. It will take a lot of hard working and dedication to achieve a 2:1 or a first in your degree subject. You need to really care about what you are doing. If you are not an academic person, there are lots of other options that would suit you more.
Look into careers that could come from your degree to help you decide as well. This will indicate where you could go with your degree, so see if these career paths sound appealing.
Posted in Jobs
Posted on September 30, 2017 at 1:21 pm
Learning continues for our whole lives. Whether we are teaching people new skills or we are learning how to do a new job, there is always something new to pick up. People can sometimes find themselves short of inspiration, so you might want to try one of these news ways of learning:
- Drawing and colouring. Making something colourful and fun to look at can help some people learn. The process of drawing an object can make it more memorable.
- Reading. If you like words and can often remember people’s sentences word for word, try reading from a text book or from the internet. You should absorb the information well.
- Listening. Make songs, record them and listen back to them, or listen to ebooks on your subject. You could also watch television shows and documentaries, as listening to someone talk about your subject could help you to remember and learn your facts.
Posted in Education
Posted on August 26, 2017 at 12:25 pm
Exams are a necessary evil of life. School pupils are put through exams all the time and increasingly, adults take exams in the workplace as well. Here are some tips to help you pass your exams with flying colours and get that qualification or promotion you are looking for:
- Know what will be on the exam. Look through past questions and practice answering them. Know your topics inside out.
- Practice makes perfect. Come up with sample answers for some of the most commonly-asked questions. Go over it again and again.
- Revise. Make sure you have the knowledge to pass the exam. Everybody revises differently so find a way that works for you. Try using flashcards, writing notes and watching films to help.
- Talk to others. Talking through exam questions and information can help you to retain the information. You can share your knowledge and get valuable feedback from others people.
Posted in Education
Posted on July 17, 2017 at 10:43 pm
Learning is not just for children who are in school. Adults can continue to learn as well as children, though they may need some extra support as they are not as used to learning any more. If you want to pick up new skills and possibly begin a new career, you may decide to go to night school.
There are lots of different types of courses available at a night school or college. You will be able to study for qualifications like GCSEs and A Levels, as well as for new careers like hair and beauty or counseling. Have a look at what is available in your area and decide from there what is going to be the most beneficial for you.
Some people simply like to learn and they may decide to go to night school in order to pick up new skills for fun. They may choose to learn a language, or take a history course.
Posted in Education
Posted on March 12, 2017 at 2:18 pm
Computers have so many benefits in modern education. They are an invaluable learning resource both at home and in the classroom. However, is it the right thing to do to always let your child use a computer for their homework?
It might be ok in some situations, for example, if they have to write a long essay. However, sometimes, there will be reasons why you child should write their homework out by hand. They may need to work on their handwriting, in which case, they should be given as many opportunities to practice as possible. They may also be working towards exams that have to be completed by hand, in which case, they need to learn how to write for long periods of time. It’s also probably far more appropriate for some subjects than others. Maths would be difficult to complete on a computer as sums will usually require the working out to be written down.
Posted in Education
Posted on February 15, 2017 at 10:32 am
Teaching is a wonderfully rewarding career for many people. It is one of the best feelings in the world to be able to help people and to do it for a living. However, there are some things you should be prepared for when entering the teaching profession. Here are just a few of them to give you an idea:
- Teachers work long, hard hours. This will usually include weekends as well as evenings. Teachers work far longer hours than their students do!
- You will be constantly challenged. Teaching isn’t a career where you can settle down and take it easy. Every day will be difficult in its own way.
In order to progress, you will need to learn new skills. Many promotions in the teaching world will also involve management, so you will need to be willing to learn how to help manage and organise your department. You may even need a Masters in Education
Posted in Education