Choosing what age children to teach

Posted on May 29, 2015 at 7:43 pm

When you qualify as a teacher you will need to consider what age group of children you wish to teach. It may be that you don’t really have a preference but teaching primary school children can be worlds apart from teaching in a secondary school.

Depending on what type of character you have, will help you decide on what age children to work with. If you are extremely confident, don’t mind confrontation and cope well under stressful situations then secondary school teaching may be for you.

You could always try supply teaching initially to see which you enjoy the most before applying for a full time role. There are some great teaching agencies around that will be able to find you suitable roles to gain experience and help you decide which is best for you.

Teaching on the whole can be very stressful and test even the most experienced of teachers but finding the right school to teach is in a massive part of being able to cope with it.

Posted in Education